Amalgamation and confusion: misconceptions about CBD

Amalgamation and confusion: misconceptions about CBD

The emergence of CBD in our consumption, whether it be new or fake news, has generated over the last decades a multitude of information that is sometimes as distressing as it is laughable. We will try here to shed light on the most common preconceptions.

Misconception #1: CBD is a drug 


According to a study published in 2011*, researchers found that the component does not interfere with normal psychological and physiological functions. Because CBD's properties are not psychoactive, people who take it do not get "high". CBD is a natural product extracted from hemp that does not influence the central nervous system and is authorized for sale in many countries around the world, including France. It is not traded under the cloak, the companies that sell it are well established and athletes are allowed to consume it.


Misconception #2: CBD is addictive


CBD is not a narcotic and it is not addictive. It has no harmful side effects to health unlike alcohol abuse or excessive consumption of sugar, coffee or other common products that can become addictive.

Misconception #3: CBD is a fad, it's useless


CBD has grown in recent years, getting more and more "popular", thanks in particular to celebrities such as Kim Kardashian or Rihanna who swear by it.
But this notoriety is well deserved. CBD is a dietary supplement with proven anxiolytic, antipsychotic, antiemetic and anti-inflammatory properties. Non-toxic, it does not induce catalepsy, does not affect heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature or gastrointestinal transit.


Misconception #4: CBD is complicated to use


CBD-based consumables come in a variety of forms, including food products (oil, sweets, drinks, etc.) and beauty products (creams, sprays, balms, etc.) that are easy to use on a daily basis. For example, once extracted from hemp, CBD oil can be taken orally in the form of drops, cooked with food, or sprayed. Renowned chefs, such as Chef Chris Sayegh**, are working hard to incorporate it into successful recipes. 


In a nutshell,

Many researchers now recognize the promising potential of CBD to improve everyday well-being, without risk and without addiction. Studies are underway for further medical use, and in the meantime, consumers are discovering its benefits and are twisting the conventional wisdom!


*Study published by Bentham Science in 2011, detailing the findings of researchers at the Brazilian University of Sao Paulo on the safe use of CBD with patients.

**Chris Sayegh pioneered CBD gastronomy



The information and products presented on this site are not intended for medical use. Always seek the advice of a doctor if you have any questions about a health problem.


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